Friday, 21 February 2014

Orthodox Mission in the UK - 21st February

Many positive and fruitful developments have taken place over the last year. There have been doors opening for service in many places without that frantic effort that sometimes we use to force God’s hand. On the contrary, those new activities which have begun and those future ones now being planned seem to be entirely the fruit of God’s providential action, giving confidence that they are in accordance with his will.

It would be fair to say that as the fifth anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood of the Orthodox Church approaches I am more convinced than ever that the British Orthodox Church within the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, under the leadership and wise guidance of our Metropolitan Seraphim of Glastonbury, is being used by God, and will be used by God, to share the treasures of our Orthodox Faith with the ordinary people of Britain. Those who simply desire to know and be known by God.
I am now 50 years of age and still feel that I have barely begun to live and experience life in Christ, yet by His grace, and only by the action of His grace, it is proper and necessary to give thanks to God for all that He has condescended to do in this past year. It is all God’s work, and all those of us engaged in it are but labourers in the Vineyard of the Lord. This is a great freedom. We do not need to do God’s work for Him, but we need only to offer ourselves in humble obedience so that we might be found working with Him, and when He is at work everything is possible.

My hope for the future is that God will grant the flourishing of at least one new mission each year, and for myself the length of days to see such a mission established in every county of England and even of Great Britain so that an English language and culture Orthodox missionary community is close at hand for every soul that begins to explore the Orthodox Faith.

This Annual Report is produced for several reasons. In the first place it is an opportunity to give thanks to God for all He has accomplished among us, and especially in my own service as an Orthodox priest. Secondly, it is a means of introducing people to some of the Orthodox missionary work being undertaken in the UK and asking for their prayers. While finally, it is a means of being accountable to those supporters around the world who do provide much needed financial support.

Please download the Annual Report of those ministries I have been engaged in here...

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